
AI Framework for Improving Cyber Defence Operations

project vision

ainception edf project

AInception main aim is to develop novel AI-based tools and techniques for detection and response: from detecting adversarial behaviour from logs and network traffic; to understanding, contextualizing and explaining the detected threat; to generating risk and impact aware response action; all the way to automating the execution and evaluation of the response action on the underlying infrastructure. AI will play a central role for all these steps in the AInception tool pipeline. These tools will be combined into a proof-of-concept end to-end detection and response prototype, evaluated in operational scenarios with end users.


ainception consortium

The AINCEPTION consortium is composed of  18 different organisations from 9 different EU Member States (Greece, Norway, France, Cyprus, Sweeden, Netherlands, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy). 

The AInception consortium is highly diverse, both in terms of type of partners, as well as geographical distribution. It brings together 4 Large industrial partners (TSGF, THH, NG, CY4GATE), 2 Midcaps (SPH, MNEMONIC), 3 SMEs (INFILI, 8BELLS, UBITECH), 5 RTOs (TNO, KTH, NCSRD, AIT, CEA) and 4 purely defence research institutes (FFI, FOI, BDI, HMOD). 


ainception 6th ga meeting

AInception sixth General Assembly took place on October 15-17 in Rome, at CY4GATE premises. Moving towards the end of the second project year we had the chance to discuss and progress with the project activities, work on relevant  demos and plan on our next actions. Further updates are coming in the coming months so stay tuned for more updates!